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Welcome to The Travel Files

The Travel Files is an online travel guide that will help you plan memorable vacations in Canada, the United States, the Caribbean and Europe as well as successful cruise holidays. An editorially-driven content site, The Travel Files gives the inside scoop on the best restaurants, hotels, museums, and attractions. Let us help you achieve your best vacation ever.

These archives constitute a collection of travel articles written by award-winning journalist Kate Pocock, who specializes in family travel with kids of all ages throughout North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. More information can be found at her website Family Travel Ink.

Below you'll find a few sample stories. For more topics and regions, check the full list.

      Adventure: Canada's Top Picks for Active Family Vacations
      Time Travel for Kids on Vacation
      Montreal's Top Ten Family Vacation Experiences
      Grandtravel is Grand for all Concerned
      New Year's Resolutions for Travelling Families
      Disney/Theme Parks: On Safari in Florida and Ontario
      Skiing versus Snowboarding: Tough Choice for Parents and Kids
      Road Trip Games
      Ski Resorts are Busier than Ever in Summer
      Riding Easy at a Canadian Ranch
      Adventure: Rockhounding in Arkansas at Crater of Diamonds State Park
      Disney/Theme Parks: Coasters Offer Hi-Tech Thrills
      Paddle in the Wake of Grey Owl
      Louisiana Blues Boogie Weekend
      Savannah, Georgia Rescues our Family Vacation


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The Travel Files is a creation of
the Pocock / Sacks family.